Paradigm Shift: SUPERSTOCKS Are the New Titans on Wall Street

James Altucher

Yesterday I wrote you about an unusual “Profit Trigger” that often triggers the largest bull markets in these elite stocks.

This Profit Trigger has proven to be extremely reliable over the last 50 years. When it appears, SUPERSTOCKS start to pull ahead of the rest of the market. And over the last couple of weeks, we’ve already seen signs that history is set to repeat.

Today, I want to show you exactly what happened the LAST time this Profit Trigger appeared – in 2020, when the top SUPERSTOCKS shot up 1,000% or more.

1 Year = 1,000% Profits

Have you heard of Beam Global (Nasdaq: BEEM)?

It’s an electric vehicle charging company based in San Diego.

You probably remember back in 2020 and 2021 when EV stocks were all the rage.

Tesla saw a historic surge in profits and was invited to join the S&P 500.

EV SUPERSTOCKS like Beam Global followed suit and shot up. Big.

Beam Global’s flagship product is the EV ARC 2020. It’s marketed as the only 100% renewable, transportable, off-grid charging option available on the market. Each charger comes equipped with its own battery, so it creates and stores its own electricity.

cars under solar pannels

When the Profit Trigger appeared in 2020, we saw enormous demand for these SUPERSTOCKS.

Beam Global shot up 1,089% in a year.

beam chart

But SUPERSTOCKS are not limited to companies involved in new innovations and revolutionary technologies.

Take Peabody Energy (NYSE: BTU), for instance. Today, it’s one of the world’s most dominant coal companies and a member of the Fortune 500.

But in 2020, it was a tiny SUPERSTOCK.

It was small, off-the-radar, and primed for extreme growth.

After all, in 2020, nobody was really talking about coal. They were talking, well, about electric vehicles and renewable energy.

But this just goes to show that SUPERSTOCKS do not discriminate!

After all, coal (like oil and gas) wasn’t going away. Here, you had an unique opportunity to buy an industry leader for about $1 per share. A year later, it was up 1,521%.

peabody chart

It’s all about buying the right SUPERSTOCKS at the right time. When the “Profit Trigger” appears, you have to be ready to strike.

If you can find a revolutionary company at the leading edge of an in-demand innovation … or an industry leader that’s trading for cheap … then these SUPERSTOCKS are some of the best stocks you can buy.

Here’s one more – Abits Group (Nasdaq: ABTS). Have you ever heard of this company? No! But that’s the point. Most investors have not heard of these stocks. That’s the reason why you can buy them for so cheap.

Back in 2020, the company was called Moxian. It was serving a very unique and very vital role during the pandemic. Moxian’s whole business was helping small and mid-sized business develop their online presence.

Think about that. Basically every small and mid-sized business was forced to shut down. They had no other way to business except for online.

So they had to shift strategies overnight – and Moxian was sitting their waiting to help. They saw a massive surge in business.

I’d say this one looked totally obvious in hindsight, except one of my analysts actually bought Moxian and sold it for a 2,143% gain in eight months. He timed it about perfectly. From low to high the stock went up 2,431%.

abits chart

I’m not recommending you buy these exact stocks today.

That’s because there’s a NEW crop of SUPERSTOCKS that I like way better … way better than what I saw even in 2020.

Tiny Stocks, 10X Potential: It’s About to Happen Again

Look … we’ve obviously seen some incredible gains from some of the “Magnificent 7” stocks in recent years. Tesla has a historic runup and has been on the upsurge again. Nvidia has dominated the headlines for the last two years and been all anybody could talk about.

But even those stocks can’t go up 1,000% in a year. There’s only one way to target gains like this. And that is with SUPERSTOCKS.

Right now, we’re knocking on the door of the biggest SUPERSTOCK setup in history.

Next week, on July 31, the Profit Trigger is set to repeat, igniting a bull market in SUPERSTOCKS unlike anything witnessed in 50 years.

Every time this has happened over the last 50 years, we saw SUPERSTOCKS pull ahead of the rest of the market.

But now is different. Now is BIGGER.

That’s because SUPERSTOCKS have not been this cheap compared to the rest of the market in decades.

Because so many investors have plowed into the market’s biggest stocks, they’re looking around and starting to ask “where is the next opportunity?” And they’re seeing these incredible stocks just sitting there and starting to pile in.

That’s why tomorrow night’s summit is so urgent.

I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a stock market opportunity this big.

Right now, we have a chance to go after crypto-like gains, but in stocks.

And unlike crypto, the SUPERSTOCK bull market has barely started.

So this is not just the biggest opportunity RIGHT NOW…

It might be the biggest opportunity EVER.

Again, I’ve been researching these SUPERSTOCKS for the last few months, narrowing everything down to my 5 favorite picks.

Now, it’s go time.


James Altucher

James Altucher