The Trigger

James Altucher

Yesterday I promised to tell you more about the profit catalyst that’s about to kick off the most epic bull-run in “SUPERSTOCKS” we’ve ever seen in our lives.

So let’s get right into it.

Right now, we’re at a very, very weird moment in market history.

For the last two years, EVERYONE has been dogpiling into the market’s biggest stocks.

Meanwhile, they’ve totally ignored the market’s smallest stocks – the ones with the most upside.

It’s classic herd mentality.

And it has created one of the most obvious investing setups I’ve ever seen.

Next week – beginning on July 31 – a historic “Profit Trigger” is set to ignite a massive bull market in the market’s tiniest stocks.

And it’s going to affect my favorite stocks – the market’s mightiest “SUPERSTOCKS” – more than anything else.

This Profit Trigger is extremely reliable. It tells you exactly when it’s time to switch from large stocks to small ones.

I looked at the last 50 years of available market data…

And I found out that this “Profit Trigger” lines up almost perfectly.

It tells you exactly when it’s time to dump large stocks in exchange for small ones – and I’ve found a few that are presenting us with a chance to make 1,000% gains in the next year.

Knowing that this Profit Trigger is about to appear gives you a HUGE advantage.

Right now, you have an opportunity to do something that even the world’s most professional investors cannot.

It’s like having an opportunity to wind back the clock … and buy America’s best stocks before an epic bull market commences.

Right on Schedule

You’ve probably heard this myth that you can’t “beat” the S&P 500, right?

Well, there are reasons why this myth exists.

(It’s complete crap, by the way.)

It’s true that most money managers can’t beat the S&P 500. And most individual investors don’t, either.

But it’s clear to me there are these large periods of time when small stocks outperform big stocks. This is well-documented. When you buy small stocks at the right time, you can outperform the S&P 500 for years.

And there is a very reliable Profit Trigger that tells you exactly the right time to make the switch.

Take a look at the chart below. This is a chart that perfectly illustrates what I’m talking about.

You might take one glance at this chart and say “James, what the heck am I looking at?”

Basically, it shows you that there were several periods when small stocks outperformed large stocks after the last 100 years of market history.

When the line goes up, it means small caps are outperforming. When it goes down, big stocks pull ahead.


These cycles, on average, last about 12 years. So every 12 years on average, small caps pass the mantle to big stocks and vice versa.

Right now, large caps have actually outperformed since 2011.

Meaning the markets are LONG overdue for a big switch…

And there is a very reliable Profit Trigger that tells you exactly when this shift is about to start.

And next week, on July 31…

This Profit Trigger is set to repeat.

This catalyst is the single most powerful force in the entire stock market.

When it flashes the signal, it tells investors it’s time to switch their positions.

Again, I cross-checked this signal over five decades of market history…

And my research came to a single conclusion.

SUPERSTOCKS Are About to Enter the Biggest Bull Market of our Lifetimes

Chances are, you’ve already begun to sense that something WEIRD has started to happen in the market over the last couple of weeks.

Perhaps you’ve seen the headlines talking about a “rotation” in the market…

Or how small caps are ready to break out.

Well, I can absolutely confirm this.

What we are already witnessing is historic.

Just a few days ago, we saw something happen in small caps that hasn’t happened since the market bottomed in 2008.

The Russell 2000 – where all the small stocks live – shot up 3% in a day. On the same day, the rest of the market was down.


This tells you that investors are ALREADY starting to rotate from large stocks to big stocks.

Again, this hasn’t happened since 2008 – before the most epic bull market in history.

Yesterday I was telling you about some of my favorite opportunities I saw then. One of the stocks I wrote about is up over 8,000% since.

But this is bigger.

Because by and large, SUPERSTOCKS have not participated in the most recent bull market at all.

So now investors are looking around – and they’re seeing how expensive the S&P 500 has gotten – and they’re wondering where is the opportunity?

It’s here.

It’s in these SUPERSTOCKS.

It’s in small, off-the-radar, high-quality companies that are perfectly good stocks, that investors ignored because everyone was buying Nvidia … and Apple … and Tesla … and the other top stocks in the S&P.

This has created a historic inflection point.

SUPERSTOCKS have not been this attractively priced relative to large stocks since the turn of the century.

And right now, the #1 SUPERSTOCK catalyst – this “Profit Trigger” I’ve been talking about – is set to repeat in a few days.

That’s why this Thursday’s SUPERSTOCK SUMMIT is so important.

I have never seen an opportunity in the stock market this big in my entire two decades in this business.

No, I’m being dead serious.

This is the single best moment in my lifetime to find stocks with the potential to shoot up 1,000% in the next year.

Tomorrow I’m going to tell you about some of the top investments that did this the last time SUPERSTOCKS saw a huge setup like this.

So make sure you check back in here tomorrow at 2pm ET.

And set a reminder on your calendar for the main event, this Thursday at 8pm ET.

James Altucher

James Altucher