The Biggest ‘SUPERSTOCK’ Setup in History

James Altucher

Thank you so much for signing up for this week’s SUPERSTOCK SUMMIT.

This is extremely important.

The market is gearing up for one of the biggest financial pivots in 50 years.

Since the bull market started, the market’s LARGEST stocks have been leading the charge.

Nvidia … Tesla … Apple … and the rest of the “Magnificent 7” have led the market to new all-time highs.

But this is just the beginning.

We’re about to enter a second wealth wave of this bull market.

Only this time, smaller stocks will be the ones leading the charge.

How do I know this?

The answer—

50 years of reliable financial data that more or less proves that’s exactly what’s about ready to happen starting next week.

We’ve seen this exact setup before.

Large stocks go up first. Then the market pivots. And small stocks explode higher.

When they do, that’s when the real bull market starts.

Small stocks = Big Upside

Small stocks, by definition, have much greater upside than big stocks that are already huge.

However, I’m not just interested in any small stock mind you…

For the last 20 years I’ve been researching a special cornerstone of elite stocks I call “SUPERSTOCKS.”

I call them this because there are a few key moments in time (like right now) when they can blow everything else out of the water.

This is a very reliable pattern.

The last time we saw a SUPERSTOCK setup like this, these SUPERSTOCKS on average went up 200% in a single year. That was more than double the pace of the rest of the market.

But here’s where it gets sort of nuts.

The BEST SUPERSTOCKS did up to 25 times better … producing gains of 1,000% … 2,000% … and even 5,000% …. All in one year.

And it gets better.

Generational Profit Setup

Right now we are seeing the biggest SUPERSTOCK setup ever.

There’s more money in the U.S. financial system than at any other time in history. There’s record cash on the sidelines.

And – and this is the real kicker

SUPERSTOCKS haven’t been this cheap relative to large stocks in decades.

Investors have been squarely focused on the market’s largest stocks … like Nvidia, Tesla, Apple and all those other big names.

This has created a huge “rubber band” effect. Investors are starting to realize there’s a historic opportunity in these SUPERSTOCKS simply because everyone else has ignored them.

As the market pivots … the rubber band has been stretched so far that I’m expecting they’re going to take off like a rocket starting next week.

In fact, I can think of one billionaire off the top of my head who recently dumped most of his position in Nvidia and transferred it into these SUPERSTOCKS. Now, they’re his largest position.

I Have (1) Urgent Request

I am convinced this huge paradigm shift has already started. And it’s going to kick into high gear this week.

That’s why I’ve scheduled this urgent SUPERSTOCK SUMMIT with you. We have a very, very brief “wealth window” to lay down our chips on the BEST SUPERSTOCKS ahead of one of the biggest stock market events in history.

I want to cater this event to you.

I’m doing this because I want to see regular Americans succeed. I’m tired of seeing the billionaires and the uber wealthy enjoy all of the profits.

So do me a favor.

Write me at .

I want to know two things:

  1. What would you do if you made 1,000% gains over the next year? How much would that change your life?
  2. Do you know what “trigger” event I’m referring to? Are you aware of how big that it is? And are you already starting to see this market pivot yourself?

I’m going to share more details with you over the next week. Please check back in each day for a new post on the website.

These will be helpful details that will get you ready for the big event. I want you to be fully prepared since this situation is developing quickly.

I look forward to reading your response. Thanks again for joining me, and I look forward to seeing you this week at the SUPERSTOCK SUMMIT (live this Thursday @ 8pm Eastern right here on this website).

James Altucher

James Altucher